australian prime minister lied to me

australian prime minister lied to me

The heads of state of France and Australia have met for the first time since the submarine dispute. At the G20 summit in Rome, Emmanuel Macron accused Scott Morrison of lying to him. But this was reversed.

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President of France Emmanuel Macron are journalists in g20 summit In ROM The Prime Minister of Australia said Scott Morrison lied to him in September about the cancellation of a $1 billion contract to buy the submarines. Macron and Morrison met for the first time in Rome after the incident.

When reporters asked Macron if he thought Morrison lied to him, Macron said, “I don’t think so, I know”. He has great respect and friendship for the Australian people. However, if you treat each other with respect, it also means that you have to be honest with each other.

Morrison says the opposite

The Australian prime minister told a media conference the same day that he had not lied. He told Macron that conventional submarines would no longer meet Australia’s needs. Relations between the two countries have started to be restored.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce showed up Australia Lack of understanding of Macron’s attitude. “We didn’t steal an island, we didn’t destroy the Eiffel Tower. It was a contract,” Joyce told reporters. “Contracts have terms and conditions, and one of those conditions is that you can opt out of the contract.”

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