There are already 38 poultry farms affected in Great Britain. Experts anticipate a similar severe pandemic in autumn 2020 for all of Europe.

According to officials, bird flu has spread to an alarming extent in Britain.
Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire/dpa
LONDON (DPA) – The bird flu has spread in Great Britain in a worrying manner, according to officials. As the BBC reported this week, tens of thousands of animals have already been killed.
According to the Ministry of Environment in London, a total of 38 poultry farms are affected in the country – more than ever. An increased warning level has been in place in Great Britain since November. Since then, poultry farmers are obliged not to let their animals out. The disease is mainly transmitted through wildlife. It is hardly dangerous to humans.
Reports from across the European Union
According to the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI), a similarly severe epidemic is emerging in Europe from 2020 to spring 2021 as the previous one. According to the FLI, this is considered to be the largest spread ever in Europe and Germany. At the moment reports reached from Finland to Ireland, Russia to Bulgaria and Italy to Portugal, explained FLI President Thomas Meittenleiter. “One end is not foreseen.”
In Germany, there are new cases almost every day – especially in wild birds, but poultry is also repeatedly affected. Since the beginning of October, the FLI’s national reference laboratory for Germany has confirmed more than 300 cases in wild birds and more than 30 in flocks. In the same period last year, there were about 400 cases in wild birds, but only about a dozen were affected.
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