Bacteria in urine indicate prostate cancer

Bacteria in urine indicate prostate cancer

Detect prostate cancer from bacteria in urine

prostate cancer It is responsible for a large proportion of cancer deaths in men. An English research team can now five types of bacteria Recognize which are the signs of prostate cancer. bacteria can be killed trace urine, Furthermore, the findings open up new insights into the course of the disease.

researchers of University of East Anglia (UEA) is Five types of bacteria in urine recognized on it aggressive forms of prostate cancer Clues. The results of the research, which were recently published in the journal “European Urology Oncologypresented, opened up new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

The link between bacteria and cancer

“We already know of some strong links between infections and cancer,Project leader prof explains Colin Cooper from the Medical School of the UEA. For example, Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the digestive tract can cause gastric ulcers, which in turn are associated with the development of gastric cancer.

Cooper’s team wanted to find out whether the bacteria are linked to the way prostate cancer grows and spreads. In addition, some types of prostate cancer are particularly aggressive, while others are harmless.

Do certain bacteria affect the course?

“Little is known about why some prostate cancers become more aggressive than others.”Emphasizes Dr. Jeremy Clark from the research team. The current study provides the first evidence that bacteria may be involved in this process.

The working group analyzed urine and tissue samples from more than 600 participants. A portion of the group was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The researchers paid particular attention to the types of bacteria found in the samples.

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“We used several different methods to track bacteria, including whole genome sequencing of tissue samples.”Reports Study lead author Dr. Rachel Hurst,

New type of bacteria discovered

“We have found several types of bacteria associated with aggressive prostate cancer, some of which are new types of bacteria that have never been found before”Hurst explains.

These bacteria cause prostate cancer

According to the study, there are five groups of bacteria associated with aggressive prostate cancer:

  • anaerobic,
  • peptoniphilus,
  • porphyromonas,
  • Phenolaria,
  • Fusobacterium.

All these groups of bacteria are anaerobicthat is, they mainly reproduce absence of oxygen,

“When one of these specific anaerobic bacterial species was detected in patient samples, it was associated with the presence of higher grades of prostate cancer and more aggressive disease progression.”in a nutshell, Dr. Hurst.

Cause or Effect?

At present it is still unclear whether bacteria are the result of disease or whether cancer is caused or aggravated by bacteria. Future studies starting at this point may show new ways in which prostate cancer can be treated or prevented. (VB)

Author and source information

This text matches the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Graduate Editor (FH) Volker Blasecki

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This article is general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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