More space for fashion: PKZ will reopen after renovation
The PKZ at Badstrasse has been expanded to include the area of East Pasito. Customers can now recharge their batteries in the coffee bar.
PKZ on Badstrasse 15 in the center of Baden is reopened after several months of renovation.
After several months of renovation, the PKZ Main-store in Baden is reopening. According to a statement, the store area has been expanded to include the neighboring former Pasito shoe store. As a result of the renovations, about 162 square meters of Badstrasse could be obtained in 15, now the total area is 444 square meters. “We are pleased to be able to give our customers more space for fashion,” Manuela Beer, CEO of PKZ, is quoted in the press release.
Pendant lights from zurich shepsiushaus
The entire interior of the building in Baden has been redesigned: the gold-colored pendant lights used to hang in the foyer of the Zurich theater are eye-catching. Thanks to an open system in the shop window, more daylight comes into the interior on the ground floor. Customers can try on a collection of men in the spacious cabin wing. And in the center of the converted shop in downtown Baden is a new coffee bar with a lounge. The company continues to announce that product range expansion goes hand-in-hand with spatial expansion. For customers in Baden, this means: even more merchandise and new brands in the casual and shoe sector. (az)
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