Bargau area: Property damage in three accidents

On 11 February 2021, three traffic accidents in Jettingen-Schepach, Offingen and Bargau caused property damage. No one was injured to complain.

On Thursday morning there was a rear-end collision between Scapeach and Jettingen. A 41-year-old driver identified someone who was slowing down in front of him due to traffic, due to negligence too late and a partially iced windshield, and opened. The 51-year-old driver of the decelerating car was slightly injured under the impact. The loss resulted in a volume of around 2,000 euros.

A 45-year-old man was driving his car on the Offingen bypass under the direction of Gunzburg on Thursday morning. He swung into the roundabout to leave at the second exit. A 34-year-old man who wanted to stop at a roundabout in his car from Offingan slipped on the icy lane and collided with a 45-year-old car that had the right of way. Property damage is reported by the Burgao police station to be about 6,000 euros.

On Thursday afternoon, a 29-year-old driver wanted to turn left at Ulmer Straैe on Maria-Theresia-Straसेe in Burma. He ignored a 29-year-old car coming from the right side and the two vehicles collided. Property damage is around 9,000 euros.

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