Battlefield 2042: Only eight games are bad on Steam

Battlefield 2042: Only eight games are bad on Steam

EA’s current battlefield is a construction site. This affects the rating. Only eight games are rated more negatively on Steam. In the list of the worst products ever on Steam, Battlefield 2042 (tested) currently ranks at number nine.

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Feather valve platform Of the approximately 38,000 ratings, 73 percent are currently negative, resulting in a “largely negative” picture overall. but even metacritic User ratings are only 2.3 out of a possible 10 points – after all, still higher than GTA Remaster, which gets 0.5 points.

The reason for the ratings gets down to the heart of some of the reviews: “It’s a good thing they postponed the game to ensure the release of a “ready” product. What a joke,” can be read there in jest. The list of criticism points is long: there are a high number of bugs, glitches, and poor frame rates to be found, and even reloading that isn’t always reliable is criticized.

In addition, there are several missing features that the predecessors still had or were better implemented in previous Battlefield games. These include restrictions such as coverage on cards, perishable items, the option to manually select your squad, the class system, scaling cards, or user interface only. Buyers have a long list of defects and downgrades Feather reddit Got accumulated.

in bad company

Very clearly negative ratings indicate that EA has spread the arc for Banana Software with Battlefield 2042. Very few people want to wait for the shooter to mature from their current position. The game is in correspondingly bad company. Spacebase DF-9 ahead of Battlefield in the ranking double fine, unsuccessful setup crashes in several indie games and the exceptionally bad racing game Flatout 3, which the website incorrectly but rightly referred to as a horror genre. classifies. Leading runners of negative quality can at present be called a game of far sports. Konamis receives the trophy as scary or, depending on your point of view, the insanely bad eFootball 2022, which their players describe as “so bad” that even “free” is too expensive.

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