Bayern’s young Alfonso Davis is making history with Canada

Bayern's young Alfonso Davis is making history with Canada

Record for Alphonso Davis from FC Bayern Munich! The youngster was able to win 11–0 with the Canadian national team against Cayman Islands.

Munich – Record for Alphonso Davis (20) FC Bayern Munich! The young Canadian was able to win 11–0 (6–0) against the Cayman Islands – and thus made history!

FC Bayern Munich's Alfonso Davis (20) created history with the Canadian national team against Cayman Islands.

FC Bayern Munich’s Alfonso Davis (20) created history with the Canadian national team against Cayman Islands. © Martin Meissner / AP-Pool / DPA

The success, which was absolutely safe at all times, was the highest in the history of the country. Earlier, Canada had won 8–0 (5–0) against the heavily Virgin Islands in September 2018 in the same category.

Davis himself was able to contribute to the two-hit win. The 20-year-old scored 4–0 from the penalty spot in the first 28th minute before he was allowed to cheer for the second time (9–0) in the 73rd minute.

Canadian coach John Herdman (45) was later satisfied, though a win against the fickle weak Cayman Islands should certainly not be celebrated too much.

In the World Cup qualification, in which the game between the two teams took place, Canada ranked first in Group B. The Herdman squad previously won 5–1 (2–0) against Bermuda. Other opponents for Davis & Co. are now Suriname and Aruba.

It returns to business next Saturday, when I Bundesliga Crutcher duel in the championship battle between FC Bayern Munich And oppressors RB Leipzig (6.30 pm, Akash) is on schedule.

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