Because of love: Nino D’Angelo announces the end of his career

Because of love: Nino D'Angelo announces the end of his career

He will soon be out of the mic … surely a blow to his fans: Nino D’Angelo (58) exclusively announced at Bild: “I am ending my career.” Because of love…

harmony.  Faith love Nino D'Angelo wants to devote more time to his Simone in the future.

harmony. Faith Love Nino D’Angelo wants to devote more time to his fiancé Simone in the future. She followed him in a car from his equestrian stables in the Allgu to the Baltic Sea, about 900 kilometers away. With him also went to the “Schlagerhammer” backstage arena in Rostock.

Photo: Wolfgang Emerick

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The singer, who celebrated her first major success in 1983 with “Gensitz von Eden” and has sold millions of records, sounds very thoughtful to hear this sentence. “I’ve actually done a lot of music in my life. And I’m infinitely grateful for that. I’ve experienced a lot in my personal life as well… I’m always able to tell good things about him in my songs. More Last year, thanks to the audience, I was able to celebrate a huge success once again with my album Gesegnet und Were Cursed. It moved me a lot. And really encouraged me. Several television productions followed. Live performances on forums at home and abroad.

But why is the break now at the peak of success?

The artist firmly said: “I am not going to stop now. I am currently writing songs for my new and final album. Which will be released in 2023. It is literally about God and the world. After this work I have I’m sure I’ve said everything I wanted to say. I’m definitely going to tour again with the album. Maybe not until 2024. And then it’s over.”

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Nino d'Angelo was televised in all major concerts on his successful album.

Nino D’Angelo guest-stars at all major concerts on TV with songs from his breakthrough album “Gesegnet and Were Damned”.

Photo: Pic Alliance / Panama Pictures

Just what comes next? what is he doing?

Nino d’Angelo looks tenderly at his fiancée Simone (48), with whom he has been living idly for a long time in the Allgau (Bavaria). “As simple as it sounds, I just intend to live. I just want to spend as much time as possible with family. Because time is what no money in the world can buy a man. I’m finally going to take my next gig.” I want to live without the stress of breathing down the neck. I can imagine any goal with Simone. And maybe we’ll move to Italy. There are so many beautiful places in the world. I haven’t seen them all yet There’s still a lot to discover. But I’ll be honest with the music while continuing to write songs for coworkers.

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