Bernie Sanders becomes a warming statement sweater

Bernie Sanders becomes a warming statement sweater

US senator said he just wants to stay warm and listen calmly Bernie sanders After his memorable appearance at the inauguration ceremony of the US President Joe Biden And vice president Kamala Harris Last wednesday. In fact, a 79-year-old politician must see VermontA staunch leftist known for his liberal attitude and friendly gratitude, hardly anyone intended to be an internet meme.

Still, a photo of Sanders in decidedly casual working class chic, roughly draped in a dark green functional jacket, his hands clad in huge woolen gloves over his body, a love affair on the internet within a few hours Turned out to be a stinky sensation: everyone wore state and chic suits or coats, not Bernie, the “gritty old man” with his “mittens”, as Mittons is called in English.

Thousands of people mounted Sanders’ picture in their shuddering, unconsciously distracted-looking pose. Twitter And other social media under the most unlikely circumstances. We brought some of the most beautiful here.

Team Sanders reacted to the internet hype with humor, which did not subside even after days. On the campaign website For the independent East Coast senator, a simple, dark and possibly warm cotton sweatshirt is available with the iconic photo. Just short is »Bernie« Below the picture, Sanders has become his own brand, and the hashtag #berniesmittens is probably like a statement against the social cold in the country.

The sweater costs $ 45, but all proceeds are to be donated to the Meals on Wheels organization in the state of Vermont, which has similar “on-the-go” facilities in Germany and Europe, to retirees and those in need of home care Distributes food to Fabric was made in America In a unionized company, as detailed below.

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Hardly surprising: The statement sweater is a hit after just a few days – and sold out. The Sanders website asks your patience: “Due to excessive demand for this item, it will be three to six weeks before you receive your sweatshirt.” By then it may heat up outside and in American politics. to become.

Icon: Mirror

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