Bibi Claßen reports back with serious words: “Ups and downs”

Bibi Claßen reports back with serious words: "Ups and downs"
Bianca Claeson has now informed her fans with a health update.

Bianca Claeson has now informed her fans with a health update.Image: Instagram / Bianca Klein

A few weeks ago, Julian Claeson confirmed that he and Bianca are no longer a couple. both have millions fan on their social media channels. His followers are shocked by this bad news. Julian said on Instagram: “I’ll make it short and painless: Yes, it’s true, Bibi and I broke up. Bibi broke up.”

The 29-year-old confirmed the love a short time later, saying: “Yes, we are no longer together. Of course they are Children Always and always with us in the first place. Still, I want to ask you for your understanding that everyone needs their own privacy.” Since then, Bibi has sporadically shared recordings on her account, most of which are advertising, Now she’s got an update for herself Health for the word.

Bibi has to go to the doctor

Bibi shows herself in her Instagram story automobile, The mother of two sons finally explained: “So darlings, by the way, among other things, I haven’t reported that much in the last few days, because my health was not that good.” Reason: “I contracted a bad bladder infection and was smart enough to think I could get rid of it with home remedies and herbal teas alone. Yes, I’ve always experienced ups and downs, myself Thought, try this first, but it’s getting better rather than worse at the moment.”

Bianca is suffering from a bladder infection.

Bianca is suffering from a bladder infection.Photo: Instagram / Bianca Klaasen

So, Bibi found for herself: “It wasn’t my best idea not to go straight to the doctor.” and further: “I went to an ambulance before I tortured myself for two or three days over the weekend And I hope they give me a prescription and it gets better very quickly.”

Later she came to terms with the fact that there are many women Give to those who often have to deal with it. “I think this is my first bladder infection Life, So if you have any suggestions please let me know.”, so Bibi to her community. His followers did so immediately. The influencer shared the most common answers with his fans.

Julian and his friend had fun in Vienna.

Julian and his friend had fun in Vienna.Image: Instagram / Julian Klaasen

While Bibi is unwell, her ex-partner Julian is in Vienna with a friend. From there he showed himself doing sports, going to the sauna or sharing his big breakfast from the hotel. Last night, both of them had gone there on their last night. A bottle and fireworks could not be missing.


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