Big balls and big promises at the first Erfurt Family and Sports Festival | local sports overview

Big balls and big promises at the first Erfurt Family and Sports Festival |  local sports overview

Big balls and big promises at the first Erfurt family and sports festival

05/03/2022, 16:38

, Reading Time: 2 Minutes

At the youth football tournament, things got really busy on Cathedral Square, here in a duel between Lok Erfurt (red) and Kerspleben.

At the youth football tournament, things got really busy on Cathedral Square, here in a duel between Lok Erfurt (red) and Kerspleben.

Photo: Jacob Mashke

More than 20 sports clubs attend the event of the Erfurt City Sports Association on Cathedral Square. Something new to see and something familiar to hear. The mayor declined the invitation to dance.

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Bousevin: “The city will support the sport as well as it can”

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