Big Pet Summit: Help! There was plastic in our dog’s food!

Big Pet Summit: Help!  There was plastic in our dog's food!

How does it get there?

BILD reader Sabrina Studd (44, sales rep) from Bergthan (Bavaria) wants to feed her mixed breed dog Frida (1), Rinty opens a can of dog food. Because she cares about her beloved’s health, the animal lover also buys gluten-free foods, that is, without carbohydrates.

Clearly visible: blue plastic associated with processed meat

Clearly visible: blue plastic associated with processed meat Photo: Beer

But when she spoons the food out of the can, it’s a shock: a blue piece of plastic sticks to the meat!

Build to Build: “Luckily, I saw it in time. Imagine if Frida had eaten that!”

The dog owner wants to know from veterinarian Gabriele Marquardt (61) in BILD Pet Consulting: “What if my sweetie swallowed the foil?”

Sabrina Stud (44) of Bergthan (Bavaria) with her mixed breed dog Frida (1)

Sabrina Stud (44) of Bergthan (Bavaria) with her mixed breed dog Frida (1)Photo: Private

Dr. Gabrielle Marquardt (61), for the vet, Plastic in dog food is a scam. Marquardt to Build: “Theoretically, plastics should be considered toxic. Stomach acid can release harmful substances and be absorbed by the body.”

For BILD Veterinarian Dr.  Gabrielle Marquardt (61) Plastics in dog food

For BILD Veterinarian Dr. Gabrielle Marquardt (61) calls plastic in dog food a “scam” Photo: Peter Muller

But not only that, if the object is sharp, it can injure the esophagus, stomach or intestines.

So what should owners do if Fifi swallows plastic? Marquardt continues: “Feed, feed, feed – that’s how the plastic can come out naturally.” Conversely, surrendering the animal is not an appropriate method. To move on.

Fortunately, Stud, the dog’s owner, documented everything and immediately notified the manufacturer from Worden in Lower Saxony after receiving the shocks. He apologizes and promises compensation. But it doesn’t happen the first time.

It was not until BILD announced to the company: “The meat in our products is what is known as a slaughter by-product. These are often delivered in a freeze and are covered with foil for hygienic reasons. Despite the extensive scene controls and highly developed sorting procedures, it unfortunately cannot be completely ruled out that a piece of film gets ‘stuck’ on the production line.

AND: The promised compensation is already on the way.

Bild says: Wow!

Attend Veterinary Hospital from BILD!

Are you also a fish guinea pig or dog owner? Then ask your question to BILD vet Gabrielle Marquardt! Write to us at [email protected] or via WhatsApp on 0171-959 22 11. Important: Be sure to include your full name and telephone number. AND: Send us a picture of yourself and your loved one right away. Thank you!

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