BMEL is responsible for forests and rural areas. lives near

BMEL is responsible for forests and rural areas.  lives near

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) largely retains its previous responsibilities. Contrary to apprehension, the responsibility of consumer health protection along with the forest and forest policy rests with BMEL. It stems from an organizational decree that the Federal Chancellor published on Wednesday evening. Like his predecessor Julia Klockner (CDU), the new Agriculture Minister Kem Ozdemir (Greens) is responsible for nutrition, agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

New deduction for consumer protection

Consumer Protection Policy had redistributed traffic lights in their alliance agreement. According to this, the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) will also be responsible for consumer protection in future. The relevant departments, which were previously located in the Federal Ministry of Justice, are moving to the BMU. It is now clear that Consumer Health Protection, which resides in BMEL, has been excluded from it. According to the organizational decree, only the Consumer Information Act, the responsibilities for general product safety and special product safety with the exception of tobacco products, related products and other cultivated products are shifting from BMEL to the new BMU.

BMU loses climate protection to the ministry of economics and climate protection

BMU, on the other hand, faces a major change in its responsibilities. Their responsibility for climate protection, including its European and international contexts, will go to the new federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection under Green Super-Minister Robert Hebeck. International climate policy will be transferred to the Federal Foreign Office with new Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock.

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Environment Minister Lemke sees climate protection as a government job

Future Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) doesn’t care much about the loss of climate protection portfolios. After his appointment as minister at the Phoenix television station, he said on Wednesday that the task of climate protection is so huge that not even a house can lift it. “The government should speak more in favor of climate protection as a whole, not just individual departments. It wants to motivate you to tackle the changes,” Lemke said. “Natural” Climate Protection, Precautionary Measures and Climate Change Adaptations live on at the Ministry of the Environment, Lemke explained.

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