Border with canada still closed

Ottawa Given the increasing number of coronovirus infections in the United States, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not promised an early opening of the border between the two countries. In the Canadian radio show “Smart Start”, Trudeau said, “America is not in a position in which we can open borders with good spirit.”

“We will continue to ensure that the safety of Canadians is paramount in our approach. We are seeing a number of cases in the US and elsewhere in the world and we have to maintain these border controls. ”

Closure of the United States-Canada border: repeated increases since March

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The temporary closing of land borders between the United States and Canada due to the coronavirus epidemic came into force in March and has been extended again and again, most recently until October 21.

It aims to prevent unnecessary travel between countries as well as to ensure the movement of important goods such as medical equipment and food. Cross-border is still allowed for business or work reasons. There are still flights between the two countries.

Experts consider a large number of unexplained cases

The number of new coronovirus infections in the US reached 63,000 within 24 hours on Thursday, exceeding mid-August. More than 7.9 million people have been infected by the pandemic in the United States since the pandemic began and nearly 217,700 people have died.

Experts consider a greater number of unrestricted infections. There are approximately 330 million people living in the United States. Also in Canada, where about 38 million people live, the number of new infections had recently increased again. A total of 190,000 people have been infected there so far.

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Trudeau said the second wave in Canada was “exhaustion” and “disappointing”. “We have to get things under control again.” With experience from the spring, however, it is now possible in a more targeted way.

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