boris johnson: and then the prime minister make the “hum us” noise

boris johnson: and then the prime minister make the "hum us" noise
overseas British Premier

Comparison of Moses, Peppa Pig and “Bram Brum” – Johnson gives a “bizarre” speech

A pig that “looks like a Picasso-style hairdryer”

In a speech to business leaders, Johnson praised the Peppa Pig World theme park, which he visited with his family the day before and which is based on the cartoon character Peppa Pig. In between he lost the thread for a few seconds and flipped through his documents.

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That thread, lost, leaves through the manuscript, found in strange comparison: Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a remarkable appearance in front of British business owners – which he himself described as “well done”.

IIn a speech to business leaders, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson compared himself to Moses, quoted Lenin, imitated engine noises and said of a visit to a theme park.

In between he lost at the annual meeting of industrialist cbi As reported by British media, the thread for seconds and their documents quickly flipped through. Several times he said “forgive me”. Audiences described the speech as “disastrous” or “bizarre”.

His ten-point plan for the Green Industrial Revolution is similar to the Ten Commandments that Moses brought from Mount Sinai, Johnson said Monday. “Lenin once said that the communist revolution is the electrification of Soviet power and the whole country. The coming industrial revolution is green electricity and electrification of the whole country.”

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Johnson also promoted the electric drive. “As a former auto correspondent, I can tell you that electric cars may not hum like pigeons and may not have the growl, the growl, which you like, but they have so much torque that They start faster than a Ferrari at a traffic light.”

A pig that “looks like a hairdryer pulled by Picasso”

For minutes, Johnson admired the “Peppa Pig World” theme park he visited the day before with his family (son Wilfred is just one year old, wife Carrie is pregnant again) and the cartoon character Peppa Pig. based on. There are safe roads, discipline in schools and a good local transport system, he praised.

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There is a lot of activity on Regent Street, a shopping street in central London

The pig, which “looks like a hair dryer pulled by Picasso”, has also become an export hit. To him, it showed the power of British creativity, Johnson said and urged visitors to visit the park, which is a six-hour drive away. No government or government official could accompany Peppa Pig in London.

No, No Hair Dryer Reminds Of Peppa Pig - Boris Johnson Visiting An Electric Car Company

No, not a hair dryer reminiscent of Peppa Wootz: Boris Johnson visiting an electric car company

Source: AFP

This isn’t the first time Johnson has come up with the bizarre comparisons. For example, at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, he mentioned the frog Kermit. Speeches like these are part of Johnson’s shirt-sleeve leadership style that actually goes well with many Britons. This time the response was mixed.

The “Daily Mail” reported a prominent position in its online edition. on the speech, which has also been described as “bizarre”, and repeated a question from a worried reporter: “You’ve lost your notes, you haven’t found your place, you’ve made a digression to Peppa Pig – honest.” To happen, is everything right?” the Prime Minister was asked.

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

However, he replied, “I think people understood most of the points I wanted to make, and I thought it was well received.”

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