Borsay Express – Mint begins the new year with a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the blueson

Borsay Express - Mint begins the new year with a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the blueson

Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 6 / PRNewswire / – The famed Canadian schooner is known as the “Queen of the North Atlantic Fishing Fleet” at the 2021 Proof Silver Dollar and $ 100 Pure Gold Coin.

The Royal Canadian Mint is issuing several coins dedicated to the famous fast sailing ship to mark the 100th anniversary of the Bluenose. The annual $ 100 pure gold coin and the proof silver dollar tell the thrilling story of an innocent scholar. One hundred years ago, Bluenose left Smith and Roland Shipyard in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, and moved into the hearts and minds of Canadians as the fastest and most beautiful fishing schooner the world had ever seen. Today, people across the country are proud of this ship as their designer, William James Rau, and the people who built and built it were then. The first examples of the best range of Bluejos collectible coins are available today.

“Bluenose is very close to my heart. I’m a proud New Scotch, but the family connection to this story makes it even more special,” said Joan Rue, great-grandson of Blue Jane designer William James Roulette. “The 2021 Proof Dollar helps keep my great-grandfather’s legacy alive. This is an opportunity to educate Canadians about the importance of our timely ship. Seeing my great-grandfather’s signature on this coin is incredibly growing And”. Very personal for the roulette family. “

In their first season, Bluenose both made record catches on the Grand Banks and brought the International Fishermen’s Trophy back to Nova Scotia. She was the undefeated champion in this racing series and defended the title of “Queen of the North Atlantic Fishing Fleet” for 20 years.

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Mary Blume, president and CEO of the Royal Canadian Mint, said, “The Bludenos easily found themselves at home when our vogue coins were redesigned in 1937 to celebrate Canada’s most beloved national symbols.” “Bluenose’s ingenuity is a cause of Canadian innovation and expertise and national pride that spans generations.”

Canadian naval artist Yves Berube mastered the foresight of William James Rouy behind the 2021 Proof Silver Dollar. His design reflects both the dream and the reality of the project: part of the design. 17, from which the blues were to emerge, the famous scholar under Purna Pal. The designer’s hand can be seen when making the drawing, as does his signature engraving, as it appears on the original PAL scheme of the blues. A depiction of King George V, who was Emperor of Canada in 1921, is shown.

The 2021 Proof Silver Dollar is also at the center of the Fine Silver Proof set, which features fine silver editions of Canadian circulating denominations, specifically a 10 percent coin, with double dating 1921–2021.

“It doesn’t matter what part of Canada you come from, it represents all of us – and it still does today. I can’t imagine Canada without the blues,” Beierube explained. “To me Bluenose is more than just a ship. It is a proud, beautiful symbol of history and tradition on the East Coast, where it represents every seafarer, fisherman and shipbuilder.”

For the design of the back of a 100 dollar coin made of pure gold, the coin engraving used a historical photograph and the roulette design of the roulette to show the two approaches to roulette. The freshly finished hull, which was adorned with signal flags when it was launched on 26 March 1921, appears to float on a cross-sectional view with a string of both bows and bluenoses. On the back is an image of Queen Elizabeth II made by Susanna Blunt.

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These new museums can be purchased today from 1-800-267-1871 Mint in Canada, 1-800-268-6468 in the US, or from here. To be ordered

You can see pictures of this coin here.

Via Royal Canadian Mint

The Royal Canadian Mint is the mint responsible for the mining and distribution of Canadian coins in circulation. It is one of the world’s largest and most versatile mints and offers a wide range of internationally specialized, high-quality coin products and related services. You can find more information about mint, its products and services Follow Mint on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.



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