Boss Reinkhof-Mucke on the impending end of the construction boom

Boss Reinkhof-Mucke on the impending end of the construction boom
Entrepreneur Angelique Reinkhof-Mukke

The head of awning, blinds and roller shutter specialist Verema sees too much responsibility for collective bargaining parties in the coming round of negotiations.

Düsseldorf Angelique Renkhoff-Mücke has been on the management team of Warema, a manufacturer of blinds and roller shutters founded by her father for almost 25 years. However, she never experienced so many crises as she is now. The family business is already feeling the falling demand due to inflation. “The willingness to invest is already waning,” the company’s boss says in an interview with Handelsblatt. Builders are currently giving back more and more of the building sites.

Nevertheless, she believes in the resilience of German SMEs to the crisis, even in “a new economic phase” in which prosperity and growth will no longer grow steadily. “I am sure we will master it and pick it up again, the German economy is very inventive and resilient,” Reinkhof-Muke says. Overall, the country has gained innovative strength.

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