“Bring the truth back to the briefing room”

"Bring the truth back to the briefing room"

Washington A spokesman for the new US President Joe Biden wants to revive daily press talks at the White House. Jane Saki (42), at her first press conference on Wednesday evening (local time), said to be honest when dealing with journalists. A White House spokesman said, “When the President asked me to serve in this role, we discussed the importance of bringing truth and transparency to the briefing room.” She plans daily press conferences – “I’m not a monster, not Saturday and Sunday”.

Traditionally, the press conference at the White House was held on weekdays. Under Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump, they existed only sporadically – if at all. Trump’s last spokesman, Kayle McNee (32), last answered questions to reporters at a press conference on 15 December. McInney promised in his first briefing in May last year: “I will never lie to you, you have no words on that.” .


Joe Biden in the inaugural address: “All Americans will be president”

In his inauguration speech, the new US President Joe Biden called for the country to unite. © Reuters

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False accusations against Trump’s press secretary

McInnie was Trump’s fourth spokesman. His predecessor, Stephanie Grisham, did not hold a single press conference during his nine-month tenure. Prior to Grisham, Sarah Sanders and Sean Spicer were speaking at the White House. Spicer and Sanders – like McInnie – were accused many times of not telling the truth. All three had a highly strained relationship with the White House Press Corps, but all were more loyal to Trump. Sanders told Christian broadcaster CBN in early 2019 that he believed God wanted “Donald Trump to be president.”

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For Psaki, it is a return to the White House. She was the Director of Communications from 2015 to 2017 under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama. Biden was the Vice President at the time. From 2013 to 2015, Saki was a spokesman for the US State Department.

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