Bristol: Black Lives Matter protesters acquitted

Bristol: Black Lives Matter protesters acquitted

nAfter a statue of a slave-owner in Bristol collapsed in 2020 as part of an anti-racism protest, four people were acquitted in court. The Bristol Crown Court on Wednesday announced at the end of a two-week trial that three men and a woman between the ages of 22 and 33 had been acquitted of criminal property damage charges.

during a black-lives-matter-Protest On June 7, 2020, protesters overturned a statue of slave trader Edward Colston (1636-1721) and threw it in a nearby harbor basin. Although several protesters were involved in the fall of the statue, only four reached the court. A video shows him wrapping a rope around the idol.

The defendant did not deny his role in the events of the court, but did not consider his actions criminal. Instead, he argued that the statue itself was a hate crime case. Its defense lawyers said thousands had previously petitioned for the statue, erected in 1895, to be removed and urged the court to “stand on the right side of history”.

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