Britain wants to join TPP Free Trade Agreement

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According to the Japanese Department of Commerce, Britain wants to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement To join.

International Trade Minister Liz Truss will speak with her counterparts in Japan and New Zealand today, the ministry said, with formal talks scheduled to begin this spring.

Britain: First non-Pacific country in TPP

Britain will be the first new country to join the TPP since its debut in 2018, as well as the first non-Pacific nation. The regional agreements include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

In a statement, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that applying to join the TPP shows an ambition to do business in the best terms with our friends and partners around the world, saying that the UK is global free Is a keen advocate of business. Ho.

The announcement came a year after Britain left the European Union, which allowed the UK government to enter into free trade agreements with other countries outside the EU.

The UK and Japan signed a free trade agreement in October 2020 after five months of negotiations. The contract entered into force on January 1 of this year.

Japan’s minister, Yasutoshi Nishimura pressured Twitter for TPP talks have hopeThe UK will demonstrate its determination to meet the high standard commitments of the Free Trade Agreement.

Nishimura said, “I believe that the UK’s application for membership has great potential to extend high-standard regulations beyond the Asia-Pacific region.”

Other countries wanted to join TPP

China, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand have also expressed interest in joining the TPP, which comprises about 13 percent of the world’s GDP.

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The United States participated in the negotiations and was one of the 12 original signatories to the agreement until former President Donald Trump withdrew the country from the treaty in 2017. Has taken backThis was confirmed before the agreement.

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