British woman got fried chicken head in her meal

British woman got fried chicken head in her meal

DThe Hat She Definitely Didn’t Order: As An English Woman At Her Fast Food Order In Early December KFC Arriving, she takes out a fried chicken head in horror. Dinner is a mess. This literally applies to most KFC orders, but when it comes to this discovery, the customer really loses his appetite.

shortly before Christmas A photo of the unwanted find then appears on the appropriate Twitter profile “Takeaway Trauma” – along with the rating that finder Gabrielle left with the delivery service. What’s special: Despite her horror at the chicken head, which “scorched her lust for the rest of the food,” Gabrielle also ordered it two stars out of five. This takes the Twitter community by surprise and quickly reaches out to those responsible.

“We Serve Real Chicken”

The British KFC representative then offered a detailed apology under the tweet titled “Probably the kindest two-star rating ever”. “We are really shocked and shocked by this picture and this incident has been investigated immediately.” However, the company doesn’t want to be embarrassed: “To be clear: We serve real chicken — and we’re proud of it.” And this will happen in rare cases despite strict controls.

For Gabrielle, the ending of the story seems happy: The company approached her and offered her a free KFC meal—she agreed. While she is certainly looking forward to a headless order, according to her own statement, KFC does not want to cause “takeaway trauma” again and will soon receive top ratings again from its loyal customer. Then bon appetit!

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