Bushido’s wife shortly before birth: why do Anna-Maria suddenly panic

Bushido's wife shortly before birth: why do Anna-Maria suddenly panic

Just take a deep breath, Anna-Maria!

Ana-Maria Ferrucci (39) and her husband, rapper Bushido (43), are excited about their triplets. He should be born by caesarean section in a few days. But over the past few meters, Anna-Maria seems to be in total “panic,” as she tells her fans on Instagram.

Because in addition to the excitement about the upcoming birth, she is making final arrangements for the nursery of the three children and planning the birthdays of twins Gabriel and Layla (both 8). She has written a lot on a slip of paper, but also notices for herself that a little may be too much. “I always feel like nothing works at home without me,” Ana-Maria says on Instagram.

And bushido? “Of course my husband helps where he can, but I always have to tell him, ‘This or that’ – he doesn’t know these things by himself.” Do. She spreads them all over the house. Intelligent.

Surrender control – especially in relation to her children – is particularly difficult for Anna-Maria. But there she can no longer escape it.

Maybe he just needs a Post-It to remind him to relax.

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