But no restriction for those who refuse to update

But no restriction for those who refuse to update

Good news for all WhatsApp users who do not yet agree to the new Terms of Use: A spokesperson for the Messenger service told the technical portal “Next web“With this, it will not limit the functionality of the app at the moment – contrary to previous announcements. Initially, the Facebook subsidiary said that anyone who did not agree to the provisions would not use the application after a previously undefined grace period. Could do.

Instead, according to the spokesperson, the company plans to have users “remind them of updates from time to time”. This is the result of recent discussions with officials and data security experts from various governments. The announcement can now be read in the app as well: In the “Help Zone” under “Security and Data Protection” it specifically states: “Due to the update on May 15, neither accounts will be deleted nor WhatsApp’s functionality restricted. Will be.

WhatsApp assured: no data transfer on Facebook

According to previous announcements, users should lose access to their chat list over time, as reported by WhatsApp in a blog entry. First of all, you still need to be able to accept incoming audio and video calls and use notifications to answer chat messages. After a few more weeks, WhatsApp will neither call nor send messages to their smartphones. How long it would take until then was always an open question.

WhatsApp had always insisted that the update does not include any additional data transfer on Facebook. The changes are primarily about creating better ways of communicating with companies. End-to-end encryption, with which chat content only appears in explicit text to participating users, will not be shaken.

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Hamburg data protection advocate Johannes Caspar nevertheless stepped in and, as a precautionary measure, issued an order in mid-May that prohibited Facebook from processing WhatsApp data of German users. It is valid for three months as the Irish Data Protection Authority is responsible for Facebook in Europe. WhatsApp responded that the arrangement was based on a “fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose and consequences of the update”.

WhatsApp rules are aimed at improving communication with companies

WhatsApp had already rejected the announcement in January that more data would be shared with the mother. However, the introduction of the new provisions was postponed to May 15 for more than three months following criticism and migration of users.

At the same time, WhatsApp itself emphasized that exchanging messages with companies is different from family or friends. “When you communicate with a company via phone, email or WhatsApp, they can use the information from these interactions with you for their own marketing purposes. This may also include advertisements on Facebook, “It said in an explanation. The statement from” The Next Web “said that users should now be made aware of the new provisions if they” want to communicate with a company that is getting support from Facebook “.

Outside the EU, some WhatsApp user data has been flowing into Facebook since 2016 for advertising purposes or to improve products.

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