Sony is once again surprising hungry PS5 hunters on PlayStation Direct with new console supplies. Unfortunately not only for the positive.
Update from 04/29/2022, 10:30 AMNo one can say exactly when the new consoles will come to PlayStation Direct again. But if Sony continues to supply so diligently (3PS direct drop in April), it shouldn’t be too long. Because Sony’s in-house PS5 sales have a regular replenishment guarantee, it has so far reliably brought replenishment every month. And a new month is about to come. So the chances are anything but bad.
By the way, there is still a possibility of replenishment this week at other retailers. For a comprehensive overview of the current supply situation and all relevant developments related to PlayStation 5, we recommend that you take a look at our PS5 Live ticker.
UPDATE FROM 04/26/2022, 12:49 PM: The mood in the community is tense. No one can understand how this placebo drop came to be. This action is now being termed by Sony as an April Fool’s joke.
UPDATE FROM 04/26/2022, 12:40 PM: Meanwhile, there is no new information on the PlayStation Direct site either. Looks like the drop has just disappeared.
Update from 04/26/2022, 12:37 PM: Disappointment runs deep! The sale was teased here for several hours. At the beginning of the fall there was disillusionment. There may have been some consoles sold out, but we haven’t seen order confirmations yet.
Buy PS5: Disaster on PS Direct
Update from 04/26/2022, 12:32 PM: Hope was great, but sales have apparently exploded! The queue doesn’t go anywhere directly. You were redirected to the store, but PS5 was not available.
Update from April 26, 2022, 12:25 pm: The sale starts in five minutes! The queue timer will continue the countdown and you must have 30 minutes to join the queue. After the timer runs out, places will be dodged among all participants.
Update from April 26, 2022, 11:30 am: Remember, there’s an hour and a half to go and the public sales queue must be online.
Update from April 26, 2022, 9:30 am: Sales started. Gamers looking for a console can buy the PS5 from OTTO. It pays to be early.
Update from April 26, 2022, 7:10 am: If you haven’t had any luck getting invited to PlayStation Direct yet, you might still have a chance to try your luck today. Because after a long break, that time has apparently come again today – it looks like Sony is finally offering an open sale again with its in-house replenishment guarantor. At 12:30 pm German time, there will be one according to the timer PS5 Queues on PS Direct active. Anyone with a Sony PSN account can participate. A credit card is also required. However, registration is not necessary.
By the way, you can find out what the general supply situation around Sony’s iconic PlayStation 5 console currently looks like in our PS5 Live ticker.
Buy PS5: There’s finally an open sale again
Update from April 25, 2022, 1:17 pm: It looks like the PS5 will go on public sale tomorrow at 12:30 PM UK time on PlayStation Direct. A related timer recently happened online there. here is the link for them PS5 Queues on PS Direct, Note: You also need a PSN account (and a valid credit card) for public sales.
UPDATE FROM 04/25/2022, 12:12 PMWith the events of :drops, the PlayStation Direct Invitational sale is also coming to an end. Now it is to be expected that there will be an open sale for all. So far it doesn’t seem so. If the situation changes, we will let you know. We should be sure to be here by 12:30 pm.
UPDATE FROM 04/25/2022, 11:45 AM: After Euronics, Game Grotto is now PS5 compliant and currently selling consoles in the shop. It pays to be early.
UPDATE FROM 04/25/2022, 11:40 AM: In the midst of the PlayStation Direct drop, the next retailer has added this. Here’s where you can buy the PS5 now for everyone: Euronics is now selling the PS5 – hit it fast now
Buy PS5: It’s launched closed sales
Update from 04/25/2022, 10:45 am: OK, PlayStation Direct is now in line for closed sale. Best wishes to all the chosen ones.
Update from 04/25/2022, 10:25 AMPlayStation Direct sales will start soon, but it looks like Sony is struggling with some technical difficulties. So it is quite possible that problems may occur immediately and the onset may be delayed.
Update from 04/25/2022, 10:10 am: Submitted by another retailer, shortly before the sale on PlayStation Direct. Kaufland has a console: Kaufland is now selling PS5 – strike quickly
Update from 04/25/2022, 10:00 AM:For Upcoming Sale on PS Direct: If you’re in and you’re about to see a long wait – don’t despair. This figure often reaches a fairly small value within a few minutes. just be patient. We all keep our fingers crossed for the lucky ones!
Original message from April 25, 2022, 9:30 am: HAMBURG, Germany — After last week’s action on PS Direct, the PS5 hunter scene was certain: it should definitely remain quiet here until May with regards to PS5 supplies ahead. But PlayStation Direct, Sony’s in-house PS5 provider, is able to surprise again this week. Replenishment Guarantor is selling fresh PS5 consoles again — for the third time in April.
console name | PlayStation 5 (PS5) |
producer | Sony Interactive Entertainment (AAP) |
type | stationary game console |
generation | 09th console generation |
storage medium | blu ray, ssd |
release | November 19, 2020 |
Buy PS5 on PlayStation Direct: The third fall already in April – Everything on sale on April 25th.
When was the last time you could buy a PS5 with PlayStation Direct? Sony seems to be in a spending mood in April. After the action on 12 April, the last week came on 19 April. Another PS5 sale on PlayStation Direct. So it’s been exactly a week since last fall and replenished several times over the course of a month – a real novelty. However, only those who were registered with PS Direct and who were also included in Sony’s invitation could try their luck. Unfortunately, the PlayStation Direct April sale hasn’t had an open sale, as has been the case several times since PS Direct sales closed.
What is the current status of PS5 supplies on PlayStation Direct? Very promising if you were lucky and invited. Because the next date of sale on PlayStation Direct is already set. Sony reportedly sent out another wave of invites yesterday, and starting today, April 19th, there will be fresh PS5 supplies via PS Direct. If you’re registered with PlayStation Direct, check your e-mail again, including the spam folder, to be on the safe side. Maybe you’ve received an invitation to today’s sale
According to the Mail, the closed sale will begin today at 10:30 am German time and will last until around 12:00 pm. As always, the compatible link for this closed sale is available via email from Sony. At the moment it is not known whether this time the sale will be open to all interested parties. However, we’re keeping a close eye on the status of PlayStation Direct for you and will let you know here if that actually happens.
Buy PS5 on PlayStation Direct – Now Possible for the Third Time in April!
Buy PS5: It’s PlayStation Direct – This Is How You Buy Direct From Sony
How to buy PS5 with PlayStation Direct: The first thing to do is sign up for PlayStation Direct with a PSN account register for sale – For an action (one-time registration is sufficient and applies to further sales, provided you have not yet received an invitation). After that, it’s basically just a matter of waiting to see if you’ve chosen to participate.
As soon as a new console sale takes place on PS Direct, Sony will notify randomly selected participants via email about the upcoming PS5 drop. This is usually the day before the sale. If you were considered for the invites, you can buy PlayStation 5 directly from Sony on the date mentioned. So PS Direct is nothing more than a one-off, invitation-based direct purchase from Sony. Sometimes, after closed campaigns, there were also open sales, where all interested parties could participate without being invited in advance. Unfortunately, after the recent drops, you waited in vain for this.
Speaking of sales, if you don’t want to miss out on sales, be sure to keep an eye out for our PS5 live ticker. There we at keep you up to date with the current status of PS5 supplies in the current week. Click here for Ticker: Buy PS5: Ticker April 19th. – Guaranteed console replenishment here today
Can You Correct the Odds on PS Direct? How Sony proceeds with the selection of invites or participants for the PlayStation Direct Sale is not officially known. However, it is assumed that the process is random. Some even speculate that loyal and active PlayStation users (such as those with a PS Plus subscription) are preferred, but this speculation has no solid basis to date. In short: other than officially registering with PlayStation Direct, there’s nothing you can do that will really have a noticeable effect on the odds.
By the way, some PS5 hunters should be interested too – especially if you haven’t had any luck in the past few weeks (or even more): Buy PS5: Get Console Guarantee – These dealers have supplies in stock
Rubric List Image: © Sony/Unsplash
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