Canada and Germany in comparison – Bananeweb

Canada and Germany in comparison - Bananeweb

Canada vs Germany. Life is great in both countries, but what exactly is similar and what is different? To find out, Banane Youth Desk spoke to Noah, a young man living in Canada. Here are our impressions of the country:

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To begin with, some statistics on Canada and Germany. In Canada, the unemployment rate is slightly higher than in Germany. In turn, the trade tax is 50% lower in Canada (24.50 percent in Canada, 48.80 percent in Germany). What is shocking in direct comparison is the independence of the country. Canada has been independent since 1867, Germany since 1955. The immigration rate in Canada is also high.

A well-functioning healthcare system and a decent, average income, which is the same in all countries. In conversation, I personally remember very strongly that Canada appears to be more tolerant. You are open to new cultures. There are also phenomena that relate to tolerance, acceptance and respect. However, Noah also said that it often has to do with upbringing and that there are people in Canada who are not tolerant of others, but mostly it’s that you find new cultures interesting and like them. What he likes about the people of his country is his friendliness and openness. If you need help in Canada, it’s okay to ask three times.

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There are differences in the school system. However, I do not know if I would really like to go to school in Canada. In Germany it is about performance and general knowledge and preparation for further learning.

Canada is more about learning for life. For example, there is also acting. You also have more options while selecting your subjects and you can choose them as per your interest. Subjects like psychology and dance can also be taken up. And you have more time to study and you are more relaxed about it.

However, Noah also said that although this system is good, it is not yet developed like us Europeans and he sees us at an advantage here. Of course, it also depends on which school you go to. Scholarships are also awarded at the end of high school, these are either from the school or the province and are related to different subjects. For example, in sports you can get free training and then compete for your country. When asked what he disliked about his country, he replied that taxes are too high and people disrespect each other.

Of course, I also wanted to know how he experienced the pandemic. He said that you got the vaccine very quickly and you can protect yourself and others. In addition, gyms and clubs had to be closed and there was a school lockdown, which lasted for four to five months in 2021 and in 2020 they could not attend school from March to September. Here it was similar to Germany.

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In general, my impression of Canada is that it is a very open country where performance is not as important as it is in Germany and people value community more.

There is also the opportunity to take the untouched nature and take your school career in a more creative direction. In addition, there is more support from the state for students and one feels that decisions can be made more freely. We hope that we were able to give you a very personal insight into Canadian life. Antonia Ahnes

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