Canada announces mandatory vaccinations for federal employees

Spritzen mit Corona-Impfstoff sind auf dem Tisch in einer Arztpraxis zu sehen. (picture alliance/dpa/Reuters/Pool/Hannibal Hanschke)

The Canadian government wants to introduce a coronavirus vaccination requirement for all employees of federal authorities.

The government coordinating minister, LeBlanc, said in Ottawa that it knew vaccines were the best way to end the pandemic. Therefore the government expects the civil servants to behave accordingly. The vaccination requirement should apply to approximately 300,000 employees of federal officials and state-owned companies such as the Post Office.

The health ministry had earlier announced compulsory vaccination for employees in the state’s health sector. In Canada, only 62 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated so far.

Further articles on coronavirus

In our news blog you will find a regularly updated overview of the most important events. Read also:

+ Status: Infection numbers in Germany (as of 14 August)

+ Holidays abroad: List of at-risk areas (as of August 13)

+ Mutation: How dangerous is the delta version? (by July 22)

+ State of the Research: How seriously do children take COVID-19? (by 31st July)

+ Education: What’s next for schools in autumn? (by 31st July)

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This message was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on 08/14/2021.

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