Canada expands vaccination requirements for travelers

Canada expands vaccination requirements for travelers

Borders with the United States have already opened, and other countries are to follow suit in September. The vaccination requirement for travel is to be extended after just one month.

Canada opened its borders in August to fully vaccinated travelers, but initially to Americans. After a month, foreign travelers should also be allowed to enter the country. Now the Canadian government has expanded the vaccination requirement to all travelers in October, such as Daily News Reported. You can find out what it means here.

no travel without vaccination

Canada is serious. In the next step towards opening up borders, the government is expanding compulsory vaccination. More precisely, it applies to all passengers who are traveling by plane, ship or train within Canada. This was announced by Transport Minister Omar Alghbra. The new rule is to come into effect from October. This leaves only private car trips without the need for vaccinations. All private travel by plane, ship or train can only be done with proper proof, otherwise carriage will be refused.

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However, the new regulation will not have any impact on foreign travelers. Currently, only fully vaccinated Americans are allowed to travel to Canada starting August 9. The condition is that the vaccination was done with a recognized vaccine and that the full vaccination had already taken place two weeks earlier. Meanwhile, in the United States, President Joe Biden rejected such mandatory vaccinations. At the same time, some US states are imposing similar restrictions. Hotels in New York only allow fully vaccinated people to stay overnight.

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Final details still missing

Only a month later – on September 7th – more travelers from other countries would be allowed to travel to Canada. The above conditions apply to them as well – however, quarantine should no longer be mandatory. Both Americans and travelers from other countries are encouraged to upload relevant data and evidence to a health platform called ArriveCAN. This message is especially important for travelers to Switzerland.


However, a stable transition process should remain a prerequisite for the opening of borders to other countries. So the final decision on September 7th should be in August, provided one has had preliminary experience with opening the border to Americans. Incidentally, children under the age of twelve are not required to prove vaccination safety in any case. But they also have to upload their data in ArriveCAN app.

Conclusion on expanding compulsory vaccination

Canada expands vaccination requirements in October. Then all passengers by plane, ship or train within Canada must also prove that they have been fully vaccinated. However, this should not affect foreign travelers. Entry into Canada will be accompanied by proof of vaccination anyway. Further details about the opening of the international border in September are still pending.

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