Canada looking for new partners | Current America | dw

Canada looking for new partners |  Current America |  dw

The Indo-Pacific region will play a “significant and profound role” in the future of “Pacific Nations” Canada, it is called in ottawa, That is why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has adopted an Indo-Pacific strategy. The equivalent of 1.65 billion euros is to flow into the various projects, strengthening Canada’s commitment to the Indo-Pacific over the next ten years and deepening ties with more than 40 countries in the Pacific region.

The background of the reorganization is an increasingly restrictive course by the United States in economic relations and growing criticism of free trade. The latest trade data shows that the neighboring United States accounts for 68 percent of Canada’s foreign trade, while China accounts for only 7 percent.

Investing in weapons and cyber security as well

However, China is also considered problematic in the new strategy. With regard to the People’s Republic, the 26-page strategy paper states that foreign investment rules will be tightened to protect intellectual property and prevent Chinese companies from gaining access to domestic mineral resources.

According to the concept, China is a “disruptive force”, which is why money from the strategy pot should also flow into weapons and cyber security. Still, cooperation with the world’s second-largest economy is essential in tackling problems such as climate change or limits on nuclear weapons.

Canada is not exclusive to this idea

Along its course, Canada is joining efforts by Western nations to counter China’s growing economic and military influence in the region. The US formed an informal federation of states last summer to strengthen ties with the Pacific island nation. The so-called partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP) also include Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Great Britain. They want to promote economic relations between the rest of the world and the Pacific states.

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RB/FW (Reuters,

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