Canada may make EU independent of Russian gas

How can Canada liberate Europe
transportation of liquefied natural gas

Canada may supply large quantities of liquefied gas to Europe in the future.

(Photo: AP)

Ottawa For Robert Hebeck, one thing is clear: Germany must be independent of Russian gas. In his worldwide quest for new energy sources, “friendly Canada” is now also on the priority list of the federal minister of economics, as he recently said after a meeting with Canada’s minister of economics and innovation, François-Philippe Champagne. was. A central point is the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Germany.

Found via message, the Canadian Natural Gas Association confirms. There is a lively exchange with European embassies. They say it is about helping Europe out of the energy crisis. More specifically, Canadian energy company Pierida Energy Ltd. Headquarters in Calgary. The group is looking to revive plans to build an LNG terminal on the Atlantic coast for export to Germany.

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