Canada to invest 1.2 billion euros in climate adaptation

Canada to invest 1.2 billion euros in climate adaptation

Canada is looking to invest $1.2 billion to protect the country from the consequences of climate change. 30% of the area is to be kept under security.


required in brief

  • Canada wants to invest 1.2 billion in adaptation due to climate change.
  • 15 urban national parks are to be created, and 30% of the area is to be protected.
  • By 2030, the cost of climate damage to Canada could rise to 11.1 billion euros.

Canada government is on thursday plan submitted Accordingly, in adjustments equivalent to approximately 1.2 billion Euro Climate change investment is to be made.

The so-called climate adaptation strategy would therefore finance programs to protect the country and its inhabitants from the effects of heat waves, rising sea levels and thawing permafrost. “Of Climate change Hits all communities across Canada, said Public Safety Secretary Bill Blair.

their government believes He Annual Cost of Natural Disasters in Canada will grow to €11.1 billion by 2030. Blair said the frequency and severity of climate-related events has increased in recent years, not only in Canada but around the world.

green Peace praised the adaptation strategy as a “huge step forward”. The goals also include educating Canadians about the risks of natural disasters. In addition, 15 new urban national parks are to be established to conserve 30 per cent of the land and water areas. Biodiversity Kept under protection and avoided deaths from extreme heat.

According to the government, the adjustment measures can save 15 times the investment made.

More on the topic:

biodiversity climate change greenpeace government euro

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