Canada’s indigenous people speak to the Pope in December –

Gedenken an die 215 getöteten Kinder, vor der ehemaligen Schule in Kamloops, Kanada

Pope Francis wants to receive Indigenous representatives from Canada for personal talks at the Vatican in mid-December. The bishops of Canada bear the travel expenses.

The 25 to 30 delegates will include First Nations, Métis and Inuit elders, as well as people who have been victims of abuse at Canadian boarding schools, the Canadian Bishops’ Conference announced. A small group of Canadian bishops will also participate in the Vatican’s meetings from December 17-20.

«Significant Milestones»

The President of the Episcopal Conference said, “The road to healing and reconciliation is long, but we believe it marks an important milestone in the Catholic Church’s efforts to renew, strengthen and reconcile ties with indigenous peoples across the country.” will be stone.” Bishop Raymond Poisson (Wednesday local time).

The Bishops of Canada cover travel costs for representatives of Indigenous peoples and also provide psychosocial counselors. Poisson said, “We look forward to walking a new path with this delegation, to listen with humility and look at the next steps to support church boarding school survivors, their families and their communities.” can take the next step.”

Communicate Expectations of the Pope’s Visit

Indigenous delegates will also have the opportunity to inform Francis of their expectations of a papal visit to Canada, as announced by the Episcopal Conference. In late October, the bishops announced that Pope Francis had signaled their original “readiness” to visit Canada “in due course”. More details about the December meeting in Rome, which, according to the Episcopal Conference, are planned in “permanent talks” with the Assembly of the First Nations, the Metis and the National Council of the Inuit, are to be announced shortly. ,

Introduce Christian Civilization

In the 19th and 20th centuries, it is estimated that more than 100,000 children of Indigenous mothers were placed – often forcibly – in Canadian homes. Many of the more than 130 institutions across the country were run by Catholic religious orders. He was the one to introduce the children to “Christian Civilization” on behalf of the state. Often they were not allowed to speak their mother tongue. an unknown number of children and adolescents were physically or sexually abused; Many died of infectious diseases.

over 1000 graves

In the past few months, more than 1000 graves of children were discovered by ground penetrating radar on former boarding school properties in Canada. Indigenous tribal leaders then called on Pope Francis to apologize on behalf of the Catholic Church on Canadian soil for the suffering caused by the church’s involvement in the boarding system for Indigenous children. (kna)

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