Canoe World Cup flag reached regatta course: Duesberg moment in Canada

Canoe World Cup flag reached regatta course: Duesberg moment in Canada

The flag of the Canoe World Federation (ICF) has reached Duisburg. It is the official starting signal for preparations for the World Racing Championships from 22 August to 27 August 2023. At the end of this year’s title fight in Halifax, Canada, Canoe Regatta Club Duisburg (KRV) organizing president Jurgen Joachim received the flag from ICF vice-president Cecilia Farias.

Jurgen Joachim said of the important piece of luggage before returning to Duisburg: “That was an emotional moment for me. When you hold the flag in your hands, you know: Now it’s getting serious. We look forward to hosting a great party for the global canoe family next year at the regatta course in their living room, our sports park.

Title Fights from August 22 to August 27, 2023

Jurgen Joachim toured the World Championships in Halifax with Duisburgsport Works Committee head Werner von Hefen, Sports Committee member Peter Griebeling, Duisburgsport head Jurgen Dietz, regatta course chief Mirko Günther and KRV treasurer Ulrich. Holsher. The Observer Group took in suggestions for title fights in the coming year.

host for the sixth time

Werner von Hafen sees Duesberg as a duty, especially in the pre-Olympic year: “We are organizing the World Championships for the sixth time since 1979 on our course, which is well known in the world. Pre. “Expectations are high in the Paris Games season. We will do everything possible to meet or surpass them.”
The Duisburg delegation felt firsthand that the anticipation of the 2023 World Cup is very good. Jürgen Joachim: “It sometimes seemed that every Canadian interested in canoeing had already gone to Duesburg and raved about our route with enthusiasm. Several people have contacted us and been there as volunteers for the next year have expressed their desire to stay. The nations have already declared how happy they are to come to us.”

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