Car Insurance: Garage Discount – Incorrect information when taking out insurance can be costly. message

garage discount

If you have already taken out car insurance, then you must have come across the question whether your car is in a closed garage at night or not. The answer to this question is relevant because insurance companies – if applicable – deduct so-called garage discounts from regular insurance costs.

This discount is given when you take out partial or full comprehensive insurance, as it means that, from a statistical point of view, the insurer can expect fewer losses and therefore lower costs.

The garage not only protects the car from storm damage caused by falling branches and fallen trees, but also from damage and theft by third parties.

The garage discount is usually calculated as a percentage of the annual sum insured.


In order to be granted an exemption, garages must meet certain requirements. It should be one of the following types of garages:

?? single garage
?? double garage
?? collective garage
?? underground car park

In addition, the garage must be lockable. If you claim the garage discount, the insurance company assumes that you will primarily park the car in the garage overnight (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.).

Wrong information can be costly

However, anyone who falsely claims there is a garage and that the car is parked there every night should expect serious fines and other consequences if it is blown up.

On the one hand, the insurance company may accuse the policyholder of negligence and intent in the event of damage, which would prevent the protection of motor vehicle insurance from taking effect. On the other hand, the insurance company may ask the insured to pay the damages from a third party and demand payment of up to €5,000.

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The extreme case would be loss of insurance cover, it always depends on the individual case. Further, lying would also be a reason for termination and could result in cancellation of the insurance contract.

Henry Ely / Editor

Image Source: Andrey Chameliev /, Evangelos / Shutterstock

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