Cardiovascular risk can be predicted based on sleep

Cardiovascular risk can be predicted based on sleep

Sleep patterns may indicate cardiovascular risks

how important Sleep It has already been proven by many studies for our health. A current research work has now shown that only sleep duration already a worthwhile indicator heart disease prognosis Is. If other sleep parameters are taken into account, the prognosis becomes more accurate.

The new study examined the extent to which Sleep to assess heart disease risk can serve. The inclusion of sleep behaviors has been shown to significantly improve risk predictions. Related study results”Journal of the American Heart Association” free.

Sleep is an important health factor

Our sleep affects health in many ways, usually with a focus on sleep duration. Too little, but too much sleep was also involved in earlier studies negative health effects related.

How good sleep prevents diseases, has now been extensively studied. Under no circumstances should it be less than five hours and not more than nine hours. In previous studies, mostly a Ideal sleep duration of seven hours laid down.

Sleep as an indicator of cardiovascular risk

research team Dr. Noor Macaremi Of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Now based on data from participants mesa sleep study It examines the extent to which sleep duration and other sleep parameters may contribute to determining cardiovascular risk.

Both 1,920 participants There were 95 heart diseases in middle to old age and 93 new cases in the mean follow-up period of 94 years.

In terms of sleep behavior, the researchers found that 63 percent of the participants slept less than seven hours a night and 30 percent slept less than six hours. For 39 percent, sleep duration was very variable and the same was true for 25 percent with regard to bedtime.

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In addition, 14 percent had excessive daytime sleepiness to fight and 36 percent complained of strong sleep disturbance symptomsReports to the team. and 47 percent are moderate to severe sleep apnea (breath stops in sleep) Affected.

Four new valuation approaches created

Based on the characteristics of sleep, the researchers formed Four Approaches to Risk Assessment, These include:

  1. sleep duration;
  2. sleep characteristics such as sleep duration, insomnia, daytime sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnea, which have already been identified by studies as cardiovascular risk factors;
  3. sleep characteristics associated with cardiovascular disease in the MESA study, such as sleep duration and efficiency, daytime sleepiness, and obstructive sleep apnea;
  4. All the features and regularity of sleep of the third category.
  5. The research team then analyzed the associations of these four assessment approaches. incidence of heart diseases and checked their predictive power in comparison to key figures “Life’s Simple 7” (LS7) Developed by the American Heart Association.

    relationship with disease risk

    Data analysis showed that participants with best values ​​in the four groups and with LS7 values ​​in one um. up to 80 percent Heart disease was less likely to occur, researchers report.

    However, the LS7 value No Significantly associated with the onset of cardiovascular disease. According to experts, this was different for the extended fourth approach to sleep duration and risk assessment, where clearly with the best values Lower risk of new heart diseases were connected.

    both cardiovascular health scores that only sleep duration believed, as well as the cardiovascular health value that multiple sleep parameters (Sleep duration, efficiency and regularity, daytime sleepiness and sleep disturbances) therefore predicted future heart disease, the team reports.

    View sleep as a risk indicator

    “Our results show that sleep is an essential part of heart health”like that Dr. Noor Macaremi one in Press release for study results. And even an approach that includes only sleep duration – the most commonly measured aspect of sleep health – is suitable for prediction of cardiovascular risk.

    In the opinion of the researchers, sleep behavior should be taken into account as a matter of urgency when assessing cardiovascular risk.

    “Healthcare providers should assess their patients’ sleep habits, discuss sleep-related issues, and educate patients on the importance of prioritizing sleep in the fight against heart disease.”, summarizes Makram. (FP)

    Author and source information

    This text matches the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


    • Noor Makarem, Cecilia Castro, Diehl, Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Susan Redline, Steven Shea, Donald Lloyd-Jones, Hongyan Ning, Brooke Aggarwal: Redefining heart health to include sleep: in the Mesa Sleep Study. Possible association with cardiovascular disease: In: Journal of the American Heart Association (published 10/19/2022),
    • Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health: Sleep as a New Eighth Measure of Cardiovascular Health (published 10/19/2022),

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    This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He cannot take the place of visiting the doctor.

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