Casting Show: DSDS: Thomas Gottschelk Jumps for Diet Bohlen – Entertainment

Thomas Gottschalk hat Zeit für DSDS. Foto: Tom Weller/dpa Foto: dpa

Gottchalk certainly has experience in the casting format. Many times he sat on the jury of the RTL program “Das Supertalent”, which features talented harmonica players and clever performers. Next to him at the time: Dieter Bohlen. At Gotskulk’s Hayd as the rulers of Saturday evening, however, the two were contestants. Gottschalk called “Watten, Duss ..?” Moderated, Bohlen led the attack on the King of Odds with “Deutschland sot den Superstar”.

RTL was clearly satisfied with the personnel. Entertainment director Kai Kurm said, “Dieters are big. If someone’s shoe size is right, it’s Thomas Gottschalk.” Ute Biernet from production company Ufa Show & Factual said the musical expertise of Gottschalk Might Kelly and Mike Singer would be complemented “with its humor, charm and star appeal”.

The current “DSDS” season continued to be the chair of the larger jury. In the beginning, apart from Bohlen, Kelly, and Singer, the malicious pop singer Michael Wendler sat on the committee. The 48-year-old RTL is now banned on-screen.

His place was later orphaned and there was no replacement. Bohlen himself announced the decision on his Instagram channel. Subsequently, the pop titan was still in office and dignity.

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