None of the residents expected this!
Trash TV star Daniela Buchner (43) was surprisingly kicked out of “Celebrity Big Brother”.
It wasn’t even indicated, until shortly before the end of Wednesday’s edition. Only late in the evening did residents vote in open nomination, who had to tremble to move on. With his call, the audience decided who would be ejected from “space” – the migrant widow was captured!
Danny endured his defeat patiently: “I have come a long way. I’m glad I can push my kids!”
To despair, find the thing with the dream woman. Eric’s ideal partner should be able to simply mow and mow the lawn and be cute and a little intelligentPhoto: Sat.1
But she wasn’t the only one who had to go. Eric Sinderman (33) also had to leave the world of “Celebrity Big Brother”. On the other hand, Danny Lidtke (31) could shine: He got a “golden final ticket” and can’t be thrown out until the big finals show on Friday evening.
He had filled his mouth enough at first, as usual…
Eric’s dream woman should be like his mom
He has already claimed that he has already taken 500 women to Cinderman’s cradle – and sometimes they even get kebabs afterward.
In the celebrity BB universe, however, not so much is going on in terms of women’s technology. So Eric used the time to take a closer look at his past love life. He made a far-reaching decision: “I want to have a girlfriend after ‘Celebrity Big Brother.’ I don’t think this riot bullshit is bullshit anymore.” He sought the support of his “big brother” of all people: “Big Brother , maybe you can help me with this?
Her Dream Woman Should Be Like Mom: Eric’s Roommate Mary Lang Is HappyPhoto: Sat.1
In the counseling room, Eric rubbishes his claims on the woman number 501 in his life: “Hello. My name is Eric Sinderman. I’m 33 years old. I’ve been a celebrity lately. You must be beautiful. Blonde hair.” , dark hair – it doesn’t matter. You have to be a genius in the kitchen, from time to time you can mow the lawn. He just has to be nice, cute and a little bit wise. A little bit.”
Danny notices that Eric’s chances are dwindling rapidly with this text: “He’s really looking for an employee who works for him and who he can slip into from time to time.”
Danny summarizes Eric’s demands on his Dream Woman in one sentence Photo: Sat.1
But – ouch – it got worse. Words came out of Eric’s mouth that would probably escape any woman like panic: “I really want to be like my mother.” He enthused: “My mom is very intelligent. I just don’t want a princess or a doll. I’m already expecting someone with whom I can act on almost the same level.”
Melanie Muller (33) dryly remarked: “Something wise has to go into his house!”
But Eric’s mom was clearly not happy with Sohneman’s presence in the “Celebrity Big Brother” world. Eric’s parents told via a video message that they “get used to” a lot of it. This made Eric cry: “It hurts. It was not a good feeling. I would have preferred to do without video messaging today. There will be many more in the next few years that will not be in line with his ideals.”
Once again Melanie couldn’t help but say: “He tells how he smells and jerks his girlfriend’s thong and now he’s worried about his mom and dad!”
Danny Buchner (43) thought of his children: “His parents might not be used to giving him shit like that. My daughter will also be here someday. If she messes up, I’ll think twice about saying that in a video message like that.”
Meanwhile, Eric continued to rave about reality TV, the true meaning of his life: “I love these shows here. It fulfills me so much more than handball. What I’m doing right now is my dream!”
Even more bitter: that evening, his dream was over for him.
Pop culture practitioner. Bacon expert. Explorer. Tv maven. Wannabe student. Subtly charming social media nerd.