CHARGE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: Lithium battery like it neither empty nor full

CHARGE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: Lithium battery like it neither empty nor full

life and style

Lithium battery likes it is neither empty nor full

If you always go to extremes when charging and discharging, you will shorten the life of the battery. But where is the ideal position between full and empty?

Lithium batteries, like cell phones, should neither be fully charged nor fully discharged.

Lithium batteries, like cell phones, should neither be fully charged nor fully discharged. © Connie Kurz / TUV SD AG / Obse

2 min. reading time

Munich. Lithium-ion batteries can be found in many places in the home: they range from smartphones to notebooks to Bluetooth boxes. However, not many users know that their service life can be significantly extended through disciplined charging and discharging. This is indicated by TUV Sood.

In general, energy dispensers should never be completely discharged, as this so-called deep discharge can cause dangerous faults within battery cells, explain experts.

perfect is not great at all

The same applies to charging: a lithium battery should never be fully charged, if possible. This usually happens with smartphones, for example, when they are plugged into a socket overnight.

A charge level between 30 and 70 percent is ideal for the battery. So you should not charge it more than 70 percent. And if the battery level should have dropped below 30 percent, it’s a good idea to re-upload it to 70 percent right away, advises TÜV.

The good news: Some high-quality batteries and devices already have a so-called battery management system (BMS) that can control the charging and discharging behavior of battery cells.

Not a raw egg, but…

The battery is not a raw egg, but it must be protected from extreme cold and heat as well as moisture, dampness, bumps and falls. Because improper loading and unloading is not only harmful.

Damage to battery cells due to physical impact or extreme temperatures can also result in short circuits and thermal reactions. If the battery inflates, there is a risk of explosion depending on the construction and materials used, warn experts. (dpa)

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