Cheater is already in beta, a mega-leak of a lot of content

Cheater is already in beta, a mega-leak of a lot of content

From Valentin Sattler
Even in the open beta of Call of Duty: Vanguard, to the displeasure of many players, the first cheaters are ready to get into mischief. For example, one clip shows an opponent fighting with what is clearly a target. But there’s also good news: The beta source code has leaked a lot of future content from Vanguard.

It’s also available for all other PC players starting tomorrow evening, with pre-orders being able to play Call of Duty: Vanguard Open Beta starting Thursday. Technically it looks like it’s going well enough, but the other players are a problem: the first cheaters are already floating around on the server.

Beta brings cheats and major leaks

For example, a video is currently being distributed on Twitter in which a player rapidly dies and the latter sees Killcam like an aimbot. This is of course extremely frustrating for teammates, as you have almost no chance in such a case. Also, this doesn’t necessarily speak for Call of Duty: Vanguard’s anti-cheat system if the first cheaters appear in beta.

In general, players taking unfair advantage of Call of Duty games are a big problem. In the free-to-play offshoot Warzone, for example, there have been repeated waves of sanctions in which developers ban thousands of players. So there should be a (new) anti-cheat system for the game at the end of the year. We can only hope that Vanguard will also be optimized for release to keep cheaters out of multiplayer as soon as possible. After the end of the beta, developers still have some time for this: the game is scheduled to release on November 5.

Also exciting: Call of Duty: Vanguard – this is what the single player campaign looks like

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Fortunately, Vanguard’s open beta not only revealed the first cheaters, but also revealed a mega leak: according to GamePro, two data miners “nanikos” and “heiamalex” found information about future content in Vanguard’s source code. were able to do. Beta. Accordingly, the next COD should come with nine campaigns and 20 multiplayer maps, a zombie map, and four maps for the Champions Hill mode. In addition, there are weapons lists, killstreaks, and five new game modes to discover. The full list of leaked content is here can be found on reddit.

Source: VGChandjob my MMOhandjob gamepro

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