China Took Step Against Donald Trump – And Joe Biden Supports

China Took Step Against Donald Trump - And Joe Biden Supports

under which Donald Trump The move would have greatly increased tensions between the countries, but with Joe Biden’s inauguration, the measure was almost complete: just minutes after Biden’s inauguration, China banned former US Secretary of State Mike pompeo And 27 other politicians in the old US administration and their families.

The time was clearly chosen – because now China’s leadership is expecting a better relationship Washington. Foreign Office spokesperson Hua Chunying congratulated Biden in front of reporters during the inauguration and wished him success. She hoped that this relationship would “return to the right path.” The two countries are different, differences are common.

The spokesperson referred to Biden’s statements, according to which the differences should not be due to differences. “It should also apply to international relations,” Hua said. “Over the past four years, a handful of American politicians have spread so much lies and incited so much hatred and division,” the spokeswoman complained.

China gives up its claim on power

Without mentioning Trump’s name, he accused the previous US administration of needing to keep “too many mines” that needed to be removed, “and burned so many bridges that needed to be rebuilt.” The latter can be criticized especially under the direction of former US Secretary of State Pompeo. At the same time, a spokesman for the Foreign Office clarified that China does not intend in any way America To follow in all demands. “But if China’s sovereignty and interests are undermined, we will retaliate.”

There is also great potential for conflict under the new President Biden. For example, the new US government joined the previous government’s charge that the Chinese government was committing genocide against the Uygars. How to deal with a Muslim minority after a tweet from the Chinese Embassy in the United States US group Twitter closed the embassy account on Thursday.

In addition to the trade war, there is also a trade war between the world’s two largest economies. Differences on the hard course of Beijing in Hong Kong, How is China dealing with TibetHarassment of civil rights activists and China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Munich Security Conference chief calls for greater commitment from Europe

Have high hopes for tenure Joe Biden There is also the head of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger. However, he was particularly demanding Germany And the European Union to take more responsibility worldwide. Europe I have a fundamental interest in strengthening strategic transit cooperation America As an adult partner, “Ischinger told the Renaissé Post.

The question is whether Germany and the European Union can assume more international responsibility, especially for their own security, Iskinger said. The year 2021 will be “a year of great risk, but great opportunities to work together again on a rules-based international order.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel Said earlier She pays attention to improving transatlantic relations. “Cooperation is based only on a broad foundation of shared beliefs.”

Icon: Mirror

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