China wants to divide the West

China wants to divide the West

DThat climate change is one of those issues that, if possible, do not fall under Western-Chinese systemic competition. If you want to achieve anything, global cooperation involving the largest pollutant producers is necessary. In this regard, the French President and Chancellor find it appropriate to talk to the Chinese state and the head of the party about the issue.

Nevertheless it is clear that Beijing’s government will be Biden, which will be a virtual one for the coming week. Climatic peak Invites, show stealing and, more importantly, a spike drive between Europeans and Americans. And the meeting is already less exemplary. It is more than a political theater.

Is China Really Ready for Change?

If the Beijing leadership is serious about the claim that China and Europe should lead at the global level Climate policy So action should be taken quickly. But the reality is different: China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. The country stands alone at the top when it comes to coal usage – and its trend is growing.

If climate neutrality is to be achieved by 2060, the economy is facing a major change. Are they ready for power? Or would you prefer to continue moving forward in the glare of impressive growth figures? Macron and Merkel should not be angry with Xi Jinping. His plan is transparent: he is looking for allies – against the US.

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