With new stores in Chinese inner cities, VW is trying to boost sales of its electric cars.
(Photo: Future Publishing/Getty Images)
Beijing, Düsseldorf, Munich “No, you can’t watch the video with it,” the saleswoman says at once. VolkswagenShowroom in a popular shopping mall in Beijing. The screens in the center of the dashboard of the new VW electric cars are just for the navigation system. “We believe that the driver should pay attention to the road,” says the seller of “ID.Store”.
The Chinese newcomer is presented opposite xiaopeng his model. When asked what the interior has to offer in terms of entertainment, the salesman nods his head. He quickly fetches a small screen from the trunk, mounts it on the inside of the windshield, and begins his work on a projector parcel shelf. “When families go to nature, they can watch a movie,” Seller explains. Inside there’s also a refrigerator, an on-board computer with voice recognition, and facilities for a karaoke party.
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