Chips recalls in supermarkets – risk of poisoning

Chips recalls in supermarkets - risk of poisoning
In addition to Alantura, other manufacturers have recalled their tortilla chips.

In addition to Alantura, other manufacturers have recalled their tortilla chips.Image: Picture Alliance / Andreas Gebert

07/30/2022, 11:12 am07/30/2022, 15:03

Whether with salsa, guacamole or cheese dip: Tortilla chips are a popular snack that shouldn’t be missing from any pantry. But anyone who recently bought a snack item for next movie night should now be very careful: A few weeks ago, organic manufacturer Alnatura reported contamination in some of its corn chips and rolls.

Now other manufacturers are also warning of ingredients in their snacks that can cause symptoms of poisoning when eaten.

Manufacturers are recalling tortilla chips

In late June, the supermarket chain Alnatura had already recalled its “natural” and “paprika” corn chips. About a month later, the organic company added another product to its recall. “Alnatura mise-chips paprika” is said to have been affected by contamination with so-called tropane alkaloids. one in Press release Alnatura announced that, as a precaution, products with a best-by-date and no earlier than December 7, 2022, should be consumed.

In addition to Alnatura, other manufacturers spoke out warning against some of their snack items. – One of them is Daenerys. Denns Organic supermarket subsidiary recalled all of its saltine and paprika tortilla chips.

A Rossmann brand is also affected by the recall.

A Rossmann brand is also affected by the recall.Image: Zeitz

Rossmann’s own brand “Enerbio” has also been affected. To protect its consumers, the manufacturer removed the “Tortilla Chips Paprika” and “Tortilla Chips Sea Salt” products from sale. “We ask you both not to consume the products, whether before the best date, and to return them to our sales outlets,” warned the drugstore chain in one Press release,

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products can be exchanged

The Bio Heimatgut brand also warns against consuming some of their products: Tortilla chips and rolls in the “Sea Salt” variety and tortilla rolls in the “Salsa Style” variety can cause health problems, with a best date of March 3, 2023. Tortilla chips in the “Sweet Chili” flavor should also be exchanged as a precaution, with a best date of March 2, 2023.

that Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety Organic company Trafo . K also warns against all three types of tortilla chips. With the best date being between August 15, 2022 and January 09, 2023.

Anyone who has purchased snack items affected by the recall are advised not to eat them, But to return and exchange it at the respective grocery store instead. This is usually possible without presenting a receipt.

Tropane alkaloids can cause symptoms of poisoning.

The recall background is proven to be contaminated with tropane alkaloids. These are natural plant substances found in certain weeds, such as deadly nightshade or datura.

Consumption of tropane alkaloids can have adverse health effects and cause mild symptoms of intoxication, including nausea, headache and drowsiness. But everything is clear: Ingredients have no long-term effectsbut only cause temporary symptoms.


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