Chrome OS is getting closer to Android

Chrome OS is getting closer to Android

Google is giving new features to Chrome OS. For the tenth birthday of the Chrome OS operating system, it is teaming up with Android smartphones and acquiring new productivity features. They are coming to the Chromebook as an update in the next few days. An overview:

Phone Hub: Chromebook and Android smartphones work together with Phone Hub. Incoming messages are forwarded from the paired smartphone to the notebook. They can also be responded to immediately from there. The last two websites called on the smartphone can also be transferred by clicking on the big screen. For on-the-go work, smartphone hotspots can be activated directly from a Chromebook. Practical for forgetful smartphone users: With one click, the device can be located via the phone hub – and a sound signal can be played to enable it to be detected. Wi-Fi Sync: Google is expanding WiFi synchronization. Like Apple’s iOS, the Chromebook will soon be able to access all WiFi networks that have already been used by another smartphone, tablet, or Chromebook with the same Google account. A single registration for the device is no longer required.

Data exchange: With the close sharing feature already available on the new Android smartphone, Chromebooks can now receive files wirelessly from nearby devices as well. Annoying e-mailing of files to yourself is a thing of the past. iOS users already know such local data exchange under the name AirDrop.

Tools for daily work: The new Chrome OS clipboard now stores up to five items that can be glued individually or together. The new area is accompanied by a central location for downloads, screenshots, and other files. Users can also pin files for a project here and make them available quickly. With the Quick Answer function, information such as definition or translation can be directly called using Google search. Conversation is also possible.

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For presentations or videos, Chrome OS has a new screen recording tool. This allows for making screen shots or longer video scenes – either from full screen or partial areas. The recording ends in quick access and can be edited from there.


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