CIA Releases Secret UFO Files: It’s About Nazis, Russians, Reichsfluglpeten – Foreign News

CIA Releases Secret UFO Files: It's About Nazis, Russians, Reichsfluglpeten - Foreign News

Ever since he was 15, John Greenveld (39) was concerned with the question: What is the creep and escape through the universe next to us? And what do American secret services from the FBI to the NSA to the CIA know about aliens, UFOs and artifacts from strange worlds?

For years he battled to release secret data sets, sent nearly 10,000 requests for the US Freedom of Information Act, and collected more than 2.2 million document pages in a vast UFO archive. Now he offers the complete CIA data package!

On their website “The black vault“You can download it.” This is the entire contents of a CD he received from the US Foreign Intelligence Service in 2020.

According to Greenveld, the disc contains approximately 2800 pages. “The CIA claims that it is their entire collection,” he writes on his website.

It is true that cannot be verified, but interest in UFO data is huge. Greenwich told the magazine that within just 24 hours, the documents have been downloaded thousands of times.Vice president“.

This can only be good for evaluating a flood of data, herd intelligence should help with subsequent analysis. “The CIA has made it incredibly difficult to use its records properly,” explains Greenveld.

Many documents can be extracted with difficulty; There is a major flaw of hard-to-read scans. However, meanwhile, Greenwell has created PDF documents, at least originally from impractical image files provided by the CIA.

For example, files are about a Mysterious explosion in russiaWhich caused the UFO fear or report Alleged Reach Flight DiscWhose blueprint was allegedly passed from the Nazis to the Soviet – written in 1953 as a German chief engineer.

It is well known that at that time it was claimed that there were royal flying discs and they saw them flying. Now we also know how the CIA summarized newspaper articles at that time.

Also Serb leaders Radovan Kardzic (, 75) Happens: In a CIA report, the author complains that Pentagon experts have lost sight of the wanted war criminal. It is said that there is no secret for them on this planet and they regularly exchange information with extraterrestrials.

All in all, many whispers are reproduced in documents, some (such as the Qardevic document) only indirectly being a foreign reference. But some things, Greenveld is sure, that it is a great thriller.

Many documents have been censored in many places, some filled with black bars. One of Greenveld’s favorite documents describes how the assistant deputy director of the CIA Science Department brought a UFO-related item to his office – and then issued further instructions, which, however, were blacked out.

Greenveld announced that he would continue to take action against this and other classifications to ascertain the entire truth at any point: what kind of interest did the Assistant Deputy Director have and what happened to it?

“The public has a right to information,” UFO enthusiast Greenwell says. “It’s about easy access to important content so that people can see for themselves what’s going on.”

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