City occupation?? Art in parks, in city centers and on open streets?? gutsel online

City occupation??  Art in parks, in city centers and on open streets??  gutsel online

City occupation?? Art in parks, in city centers and on open streets

The “Stadbesetzung” project brings “urban art” directly to the people in participating cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. With each edition, participants realize public art works on a selected topic?? From performances to sound installations to artist shared apartments. The theme in 2021 will be »RETHINK. Climate change <> culture change”.

Under the concept of urban art ?? Is contemporary art imprisoned in public urban space, mainly in a variety of manifestations relating to urban space and urban life, mostly unadulterated? Questions the circumstances to which they are subject, and in the best case provokes discourses about them to embellish, amuse, disturb, surprise or disturb.

With the fifth edition of the funding offer, “#Kultursekretariat #NRW #Gütersloh” seeks to add a current perspective to its longstanding association with art in the public space and strengthen the cultural-political and scientific idea of ​​this art . The aim of this project is to create a platform on which to display the ways in which works that characterize urban art, the questions it asks, and the results it delivers.

Gütersloh: Series »City Occupation: Art on the Red Carpet « Entering its second year

The old ballroom at the LWL site in Gütersloh became the location of a special production last week: wild animals affected by the loss of species, a building marred by the devastation of time and nature, and a bright red carpet. These are exclusive materials for the first edition of this year’s “City Occupation: Art on the Red Carpet”, produced by the Department of Culture of the City of Guttersloh, which was largely funded by the dancers of the Güttersloh facility “Sport and Ballet Neumann”. was designed by. Lily Newman, choreographer of dance school Sport and Ballet Newman: »We are delighted to present excerpts from our latest dance project ?? opportunity ?? To bring to the red carpet. ??Chance?? Related to the topic of species and nature conservation. « Result of the first project unit ?? For reasons of plan initially implemented without spectators ?? Now viewable online.

In June, July and August, the Guttersloh Culture Department rolls out the red carpet for the second year in a row to present art and culture in and out of the city. Actions are planned that will take place in a digital and analog public space in a demonstrative juxtaposition of nature versus man-made themes. Because the motto of this year’s »CITY BUSINESS « is »RETHINK. Climate change Culture change «. And so the Department of Culture has made it its goal with the “red carpet” concept to promote the perception, discussion and appreciation of art and culture in public spaces, as well as to bring them in relation to the topic of climate. Change. Again this year, it includes conducting a topic-related quiz for school children, which will be published in August after the project unit. » Is the Department of Culture happy to support the project? Art on the red carpet?? With many local actors and nationwide ?? As part of the occupation of the city ?? Daniela Daus, Project Coordinator from the Department of Culture is pleased to be able to develop this further. As an associate partner, the campaign supports the so-called “City Marketing” and the “Association for the Promotion of Plastic Art in the City and District of Guttersloh”. The project centered around Gutersloh photographer Matthias Fernandes with the photographically and cinematically creative network »Blitzgarten«. The funding series “City Occupation” of “Culterssecretary NRW Guttersloh” has been realized with funding from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. [freilich, Anm. d. Red.].

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