Closed to Office apps: Microsoft 365 will be the successor

Closed to Office apps: Microsoft 365 will be the successor

From Klaus Ludwig ,
Microsoft announced at the Ignite conference that Office apps will soon become Microsoft 365. Apart from the new name, there is also a new logo and new software.

Instead of paying US$1,400 for all individual programs, customers of “Microsoft OfficeSuite” had to pay only US$900. it was Microsoft Office was born on August 1, 1989, By now everyone knows the famous office software. Office 365 has also been around since 2011, now called Microsoft 365. It is often incorrectly referred to as a “cloud office”, although, contrary to popular belief, it can be used completely offline. At Microsoft Partner Conference Ignite 2022, Microsoft announced that Microsoft 365 apps from Office apps coming soon becomes. Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Company can be accessed directly using the free Office app.

Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more in subscription

Office becomes Microsoft 365 with a new logo.

Office becomes Microsoft 365 with a new logo.

Source: Microsoft

There are also alternatives such as Office Lens, which uses OCR technology to create an editable document from a photo. As of now, the name change only applies to the Office app and In parallel with the Microsoft 365 subscription, the manufacturer continues to offer Office as a free, permanently usable product for Windows and macOS. Feather Office 2021 This is a functional state of Microsoft 365 from 2021 onwards. Beginning January 2023, Microsoft will then rename the Office apps for Windows, Android and iOS/iPadOS to Microsoft 365. The rebranding and new logo on the website are to be completed in early November.

Microsoft 365 की कार्यक्षमता <span class="स्रोत लिंकवापर">[Quelle: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Microsoft</a>]</span>” src=”×214/2020/03/Microsoft-365-Abo-Plaene-pcgh.png” width=”207″ height=”214″”/></span></p>
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Microsoft 365 Functionality [Quelle: Microsoft]

A Microsoft 365 subscription now offers more than just access to the latest versions of the Office programs Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. In addition to the desktop program, the Microsoft 365 subscription also includes some AI-supported extensions, such as the so-called Microsoft Editor with premium functions. In theory, the free browser extension for Google Chrome and the new Microsoft Edge based on Chrome offers spelling and grammar checks in more than 20 different languages. As premium features – only for Microsoft 365 Personal or Family Customers – Automatic style and word suggestions are available. It is also possible to check text for plagiarism in Word and, if necessary, insert correct citations. Two Outlook functions included in the subscription are ransomware protection and checking e-mail attachments and links for malicious code within Outlook. In addition to all these programs, Microsoft 365 provides each user with one terabyte of storage space in the cloud storage OneDrive and Skype Credit so that they can call phone numbers around the world using Skype. The next page introduces more new features for Microsoft 365 customers.

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