Cockatoos learn from each other to open dustbins. free Press

Cockatoos learn from each other to open dustbins.  free Press

According to a study, in some areas of Australia, cockatoos have learned to open garbage cans. And birds from neighboring areas cleverly picked up on this behavior.

Radolfzell/Sydney (DPA) – According to a study, cockatoos learn to open garbage cans from each other in search of food. An international research team headed by the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior in Radolfzell reports in the journal “Science.”

A video of an Australian yellowtail cockatoo opening a barrel with its beak and foot gave researchers the idea to examine its behavior more closely.

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A survey of residents of animal habitats in Australia initially found that cockatoo movements were observed in only three areas in 2018. At the end of 2019, birds were already fishing for food from garbage cans in 44 areas. Analysis of regions showed that the behavior spread faster to neighboring regions than to more distant regions. Scientists conclude from this that birds mimic each other’s behavior and this is not genetic.

Further studies showed that not all birds were able to open the containers: The researchers marked about 500 cockatoos with colored dots in three areas so that they could be identified individually. It turned out that only about ten percent of the animals did this. The rest waited until the dustbins were opened and then helped themselves.

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