Column tracked by drone: 15-year-old helps attack Russian Federation

Column tracked by drone: 15-year-old helps attack Russian Federation

drone tracked convoys
Helps 15-year-old attack the Russian Federation

At the very beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, Moscow units roll towards Kyiv. With the help of the 15-year-old, the defenders are able to stop a military column west of the capital. The youth tracks the unit with his drone and informs.

According to a media report, in the early days of the Russian offensive, a Ukrainian youth helped break up a convoy of Russian military vehicles in the Kyiv region. like canadian news site global news Reportedly, the teenager tracked down the Kremlin Association with her personal drone in late February and gave coordinates to Ukrainian forces, who responded by opening fire.

“I was scared. But I didn’t want Russian troops to occupy my city,” 15-year-old Andrey Pokrassa told the portal. The Ukrainian military contacted them because they needed accurate GPS data for their artillery. Fearing the neighbors that the drone would be the target of Russian attacks, Pokrassa, along with his father, began their reconnaissance mission after dark from a nearby area.

“It was one of the biggest pillars running on Zhytomyr Street and we were able to locate it because a truck had its headlights on,” Pokrassa said. Her father then forwarded the information to the armed forces via an app, blocking the Russian advance near the town of Berezivka, about 40 kilometers from Kiev. “He was the only one who had experience with drones in this area,” army commander Yuri Kasyanov told Global News. “He is a real hero, a hero of Ukraine.”

After the mission, Pokersa continued to help scout Russian military movements. The teenager has now fled with her mother to Poland, where she is on her way back to school to finish ninth grade. The successful attack causes mixed feelings in Pokrassa. “I was so glad I could help,” he said. “But there were also people in these vehicles. They were people, but people nonetheless.”

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