Comparison with Orban: Beer and Barle warns Europeans against Slovenian EU presidency

Comparison with Orban: Beer and Barle warns Europeans against Slovenian EU presidency
foreign Compare with Orban

Beer and Barley warn Europeans about Slovenian EU presidency

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Katarina Jau (SPD) finds clear word against Prime Minister of Slovenia

Source: PA/Hans Lucas/Martin Bertrand

From the beginning of July, Slovenia will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will be headed by Prime Minister Janez Jansa. Two German MEPs Nikola Beer and Katarina Jau are now clearly warning of potential turmoil.

FProminent German European lawmakers warned Europeans about the Slovenian EU Council presidency, which will begin in early July and will be headed by Prime Minister Jans Janssa. “I appeal to all, with responsibility at the European level, the Member States, the European Commission, Parliament and the media not to offer the public a platform for their undemocratic rhetoric and politics. There is always hope that the Council The tough head of government will also become more supportive of the state during the presidency. But I fear Jana will disappoint this expectation,” said Katrina Jau, the deputy speaker of the EU Parliament (SPD) WELT.

The politician compared Jana with the controversial Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: “He moves in the same way as Orbán to subject himself to the state.” Jansa deprives them of “media donations they don’t like and personally intimidates journalists – women in particular”. Jau said Slovenia’s six-month EU presidency would be a “challenging time”.

FDP politician Nicola Beer, who, like Barley, is the deputy speaker of the EU Parliament, warned: “Prime Minister Jansa must be prepared to negotiate a European solution, not to become a European problem itself,” he told WELT. told.

Beer accused the Prime Minister of Slovenia of not cooperating with the newly created European Public Prosecutor’s Office and of insulting critical media. “Anyone who defames the Slovenian state news agency as a ‘national disgrace’ jeopardizes the freedom of the press and places unacceptable pressure on journalists and bloggers.”

“One must be prepared for the fact that we will be watching very closely during the EU presidency and will not hesitate to openly criticize such behavior,” Beer said. She added: “The presidency of the EU Council is no reason to falsely consider it.”

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