Compensation for detention: Bill Cosby plans to sue Pennsylvania

Compensation for detention: Bill Cosby plans to sue Pennsylvania

compensation for imprisonment
Bill Cosby wants to sue Pennsylvania

After his release from prison, Bill Cosby apparently wants to sue the US state of Pennsylvania. The former TV star wants compensation for his time in prison and is seeking several million dollars.

Former TV star Bill Cosby has been at large since late June. His conviction of sexual assault was surprisingly overturned by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Now Cosby is apparently planning to sue the US state. it reports that US-portal “Page Six”.

Accordingly, Cosby is attempting to obtain several million dollars in compensation for his time in prison. Cosby spokesman Andrew Wyatt said in an interview: “We are investigating what legal remedies we can bring against the state of Pennsylvania.”

Cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually abusing a woman in 2004. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court declared the guilty verdict invalid for procedural misconduct in late June. The court also stayed further prosecution. Many of the other women’s charges were previously banned, so the process was limited to this one case. In all, more than 60 women had leveled allegations against the 83-year-old. statements should not have been allowed

In 2005, a prosecutor probing the case had promised not to prosecute the actor if he had to testify in a civil case. In the process, Cosby went out of court and paid more than $3.3 million. In 2015, however, the successor of the then public prosecutor initiated criminal proceedings. The court also disposed of Cosby’s statements from the civil proceedings, which in the Supreme Court’s opinion should not have been permitted under the agreement – ​​as well as the details of five women who testified during the trial.

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